The Organisational Structure of the Group

Organisational Model under Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 - ISO Certifications - Whistleblowing

The so-called “Corporate Crime” does not specifically concern a single country or single sectors of the economy and has a series of negative implications both from a legal and a social point of view.

Gruppo Strazzeri wants to contribute actively to the fight against the corporate crime and for this reason has adopted and is implementing for years an Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 in the form of the Administrative Liability Management System, with the related Ethical Code, available on our website and has also implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System, obtaining the certification from an independent body pursuant to the UNI ISO 37001:2016 standard, guaranteeing the leadership’s commitment to create a culture based on integrity, transparency, honesty and compliance with laws, operating in synergy with the other compliance tools already integrated by the company.

Supervisory Body has been designated to supervise the “Organisational Model 231”, currently in the single-person form and in the person of Mrs. Mia Rupcic, with whom it is possible to communicate through the following email address:

In order to monitor the correct implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System, according to the provisions of the UNI ISO 37001:2016 standard, the Compliance Function has been designated, currently under the interim responsibility of Mrs. Mia Rupcic, with whom it is possible to communicate through the following email address:

To complete its commitment, Gruppo Strazzeri has also implemented a Quality Management System, certified in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

In compliance with the provisions of UNI ISO 37001:2016 and Italian Law No. 179/2017 which governs, in addition, the protection of the employee who reports alleged offenses (so-called Whistleblowing) for companies that adopt an “Organisational Model 231”, Gruppo Strazzeri has established the possibility for anyone to make detailed reporting in good faith and to protect the integrity of the company, based on precise and consistent factual elements, of unlawful conduct (even if only suspicious or based on reasonable convictions) relevant and pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01 and/or violations of Organisational Model 231 or of the Anti-Bribery Management System in general, of which a person has become aware due to the functions performed, also guaranteeing appropriate safeguards for the whistleblower not to suffer retaliation from the company.

For this reason, the following alternative channels have been established:

  • by email, at the above addresses, directly to the Compliance Function and/or the Supervisory Body 231 (depending on the situation);
  • through the use of an IT channel (specifically, the dedicated Whistleblowing platform reachable through the URL indicated below), which guarantees the confidentiality of the data contained in the reporting through secure protocols and encryption tools that allows to protect personal data and information, even those included in any attachments.